- Agavaceae
- Aizoaceae
- Apocynaceae
- Asclepiadaceae
- Asphodelaceae
- Cactaceae
- Alessandro Mosco's Thelocactus Website
- Ariocarpus : Living Rocks of Mexico The most comprehensive resource on the genus Ariocarpus available
- Ariocarpus (German)
- Arizona Rare Cactus Photos Homepage
- The Genus Astrophytum (Lem.)
- Astro Meister International Astrophytum Group
- Die Gattung Astrophytum Klaus-Peter Klesewski (German)
- Browningia
- Christmas Cacti
- Copiapoas
- Copiapoa
- Copiapoathon 2003 A Travelog by Paul Klaassen
- Copiapoa Living on the Edge
- Coryphantha Homepage Dr Reto F.Dicht (English & German)
- Discocactus (Dutch and English)
- Echinocereus-Homepage E-zine from Martina and Andreas Ohr (Germany). Updated monthly on the first day of the month
- The Echinocereus Reference Collection
- Genus Echinofossulocactus Lawrence by Vlastimil Simek
- Echinopsis gallery
- Bob Schick Echinopsis Hybrids
- Epiphyllums, Hybrids and Allied Cacti in New Zealand
- Epiphytic Cacti Michel Combernoux (English, French and Spanish)
- Epifytische cactussen (Dutch)
- Die Gattung Escobaria Armin Pötschke's Escobaria siet, also includes information on Mammillaria and Turbinicarpus
- Espostoa
- Ferocactus
- Ferocactus
- Ferocactus
- Il genere Ferocactus
- Nobbi's Ferokakteen
- Frailea Information Base
- Cyrill Hunkeler's Tephrocactus Page
- Jim Hunter's Epi Universe
- Ulrich Creutzburg's Gymnocalycium Page
- The Genus Gymnocalycium by Volker Schaedlich from Spremberg
- Gymnocalycium (Polish)
- Gert J.A.Neuhuber's Gymno Pages
- Photographs of Gymnocalycium by Takashi Shimada
- Icones Cactearum Epiphyticum Epiphytic Cacti
- Kakteen-GartenHardy Cacti
- Lophophora
- Mammillarias
- Mammillaria Franck Martin, English and French, over 400 pictures, field number search engine, online English discussion forum.
- Mamms on the Mall
- George Thomson's Melocactus site
- Melocactus Gerard Delanoy
- Opuntiads of the USA
- Mark Faint's Notocactus Page
- Setacei (Notocactus) Homepage
- Opuntias in South America Klaus Gilmer and Hans Peter Thomas (German and English)
- Pelecyphora
- The Peyote Bible
- Fritz Hochstätter's Page Pediocacti, Sclerocacti and Navajoa
- NCCPG Collection of Pterocactus
- Rhipsalis
- Sclerocactus, Pediocactus, Navajoa and Toumeya
- Sulco Passion
- Tephro World
- The Genus Thelocactus
- Trichocereus
- Trichocereus (rare plants link)
- Mark Faint's Turbinicarpus Page
- Turbinicarpus-gemme del messico
- Turbinicarpus
- Crassulaceae
- Dracaenaceae
- Euphorbiaceae
- Geraniaceae
- Piperaceae

Agave aopplanata Cream Spike

