- Adromischus by John Pilbeam, Chris Rodgerson and Derek Tribble
The Cactus File Handbook No 3, The only horticultural publication on this genus.
- A Gallaery of Agaves by John Pilbeam NEW
A fine picture book covering most species and many variegated cultivars.
- Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants - 2 Volumes
Aizoaceae A-E, ISBN 3540416919, Aizoaceae F-Z, ISBN 3540417230, Editor: Heidrun E.K.Hartmann
- A Colour Handbook of Biological Control in Plant Protection by Neil Helyer, Kevin Brown & Nigel D.Catlin
A key publication which covers pests of cacti and succulents.
- Cacti: An illustrated indentifier to over 150 representative species by Marcus Schenck
An attractive table top book with good photography and plenty of background information.
- Cacti: The Illustrated Dictionary by Rod and Ken Preston-Mafham
A pictorial Encyclopedia which restricts itself to globular cacti.
- Cacti and Succulents : An illustrated guide to the plants and their cultivation by Graham Charles
A new highly illustrated guide to cacti and succulents (September 2003)
- Cacti and Succulents in Habitat by Ken Preston-Mafham
A travelogue to Cactus and Succulent habitats with many fine colour photographs.
- Kakteen in Brasilien -Cacti in Brazil
by Konrad Herm, Andreas Hofacker, Graham Charles, Werner van Heek, Bernhard Bohlem, Dr Willi Strecker and Gerhard Heimen
- Cacti of Eastern Brazil by Nigel Taylor and Daniela Zappi
A scientific monograph on the interesting cacti of this area.
- The Cacti of the United States and Canada by Lyman Benson
This is the summary of a lifetimes work on the Cacti of this region and is an absolute mine of information
- Cactoo and the Dragon by Elena Vassilieva
A children's Story Book.
- The Cactus Family by Edward F.Anderson
A major new work on the Cactaceae
- Caudiciform and Pachycaul Succulents by Gordon Rowley
This is a unique and superbly illustrated book on this unusual group of plants
- The Complete Book of Cacti and Succulents by Terry Hewiit
A book we think is ideal for anyone new to the hobby of growing Cacti and Succulents.
- The Cultivation of Boswellia by Jason Eslamieh
Well illustrated book of the sacred trees of Frankincense
- The Genus Echeveria by John Pilbeam
Replaces Walther as the standard treatise on the Genus
- Echeveria Cultivars by Lorraine Schulz and Attila Kapitany
A well illustrated book on these attractive hybrids.
- Echinocereus by John Pilbeam NEW
Up to date BCSS publication on this popular Genus
- Simon and Schuster's Guide to Cacti and Succulents by Marriella Pizzetti
Another beginners book with excellent illustrations and plenty of cultivational advice.
This is available in the UK as The MacDonald Encyclopedia of Cacti.
- A Cactus Odyssey Journeys in the Wilds of Bolivia, Peru and Argentina
by James D Mauseth, Roberto Keisling and Carlos Ostolaza.
- Christmas Cacti: The genus Schlumbergera and its hybrids
by A.J.S.MacMillan and J.F.Horobin
The only book on this popular group of cacti.
- Copiapoa by Graham Charles
The Cactus File Handbook No 4, A collector's Guide to this remarkable genus of cacti from Chile.
- Crassula A Grower's Guide by Gordon Rowley
A large format, well illustrated book from Cactus & Co (Available in English, Italian and Russian
- Environmental Biology of Agaves and Cacti by Park S Nobel
Although this is a scientific book, it is emminently readable and gives many insights into the cultivation of cacti and succulents.
- Ferocactus by John Pilbeam and Derek Bowdery
A complete survery of all the species of these spectacular plants
- Gasterias of Southern Africa by Ernst van Jaarsveld
A new revision of a major succulent group. A must for growers of plants from this genus.
- Growing Winter Hardy Cacti in Cold/Wet Climate Conditions by John N.Spain
If you want to try growing cacti in more northerly climates this book is a mine of useful information.
- A History of Succulent Plants by Gordon Douglas Rowley
A newly published Mangum Opus which is destined to become a classic of Cactus and Succulent Literature.
- Knowing, understanding, and growing Turbinicarpus - Rapicactus
by Davide Donati - Carlo Zanovello
- Lithops: Flowering Stones by Desmond T.Cole & Naureen A.Cole
2nd Edition of this classical monograph
- Mammillaria by John Pilbeam
The Cactus File Handbook No 6, A major and up-to-date, splendidly illustrated work on the genus.
- Melocactus : Care and Cultivation
by George Thompson
- Monadenium
by Albert Pritchard
- Pachypodium and Adenium by Gordon Rowley
The Cactus File Handbook No.5,
- The Genera Pediocactus, Navajoa, Toumeya
A new publication on these genera by Fritz Hochstätter
- Peyote - the divine cactus by Edward F Anderson
If you want to know about the use of Peyote this second edition of Dr Anderson's book is the
standard scientific publication on the subject.
- Pilosocereus (Cactaceae) The Genus in Brazil by Daniela C.Zappi
A scholarly treatment of a very interesting group of plants.
- Plantas Suculentas de las Islas Canarias by Joël Lodé NEW
Well illustrated field guide in four languages
- Prickly Pear Cactus Medicine by Ran Knishinsky
Treatments for Diabetes, Cholesterol, and the Immune System.
- Rebutia by John Pilbeam
The Cactus File Handbook No 2, A guide to this extremely popular group of plants.
- Schumannia 3
Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten in Brasilien
by Pierre J. Braun and Eddie Esteves Pereira
- The Genus Sclerocactus
A new publication on this genus by Fritz Hochstätter NEW
- Sedum: Cultivated Stonecrops by Ray Stephenson
Currently the standard work on this genus of plants which is grown both by succulent fanciers and rock garden enthusiasts.
- Seed Diversity in the Cactaceae subfam.Cactoideae by Wilhelm Barthlott & David Hunt.
A compilation of the large body of SEM work on cactus seeds.
- An Introduction to Sempervivum and Jovibarba, Species and Cultivars by Howard and Sally Wills
An excellent introduction to these hardy succulents
- S tapeliads by John Pilbeam NEW
A BCSS publication illustrating the large majority of species and genera of this fascinating family..
- Studies in the Opuntioideae edited by David Hunt & Nigel Taylor
A revaluation of the taxonic status of the genuus Opuntia, eight chapters written by different authors.
- Succulent Flora of Southern Africa by Doreen Court
An excellent overview of the rich succulent flora from this region.
- Succulents, The Illustrated Dictionary by Maurizio Sajeva and Mariangela Constanzo
An illustrated reference of succulents, presenting photographs and brief descriptions of more than 1,000 species and varieties from 195 genera.
- Succulents in the Garden by Attila Kapitany and Rudolf Schulz
Growing cacti and succulents as garden plants in a mediterranean climate.
- Sulcorebutia and Weingartia by John Pilbeam with photography by Bill Weightman
Specialist book on these easily grown, highly floriferous South American Cacti.
- A Sulco Gallery by John Pilbeam and David Hunt
A very useful supplement to the above publication.
- Teratopia: The World of Cristate and Variegated Succulents By Gordon Rowley
Gordon fills another major gap in succulent plant literature.
- Thelocactus by John Pilbeam
The Cactus File Handbook No 1, A guide to this popular if somewhat confused genus.
- Threatened Cacti of Mexico by Edward F.Anderson, Salvador Arias Montes and Nigel P.Taylor
A careful look at the status of some of the rarer Mexico Cacti. Excellent photography.
- The Genus Turbinicarpus in San Luis Potosi by Grupo San Luis
A study of the genus Turbinicarpus in habitat evaluating its conservation status
- Yucca I by Fritz Hochstätter
Dehiscent-fruited species in the Southwest and Midwest of the USA and Canada
- Yucca II by Fritz Hochstätter
Indehiscent-fruited species in the Southwest, Midwest and East of the USA
- Yucca III by Fritz Hochstätter

Dry Exotic Garden

Cactus and Succulents
